A gait training robotic system
Walkbot is a rehabilitation medical device that is a robot-assisted gait training system for locomotion-impaired patients. It is applicable with a variety of causes of disease such as stroke, SCI(spinal cord injury), brain tumors, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, etc. Walkbot provides natural, accurate gait pattern for individual, using Hip/Knee/Ankle joint drive motor. So it helps fast recovery after the training. Walkbot were created into superior being-interactive, functional, strengthening, motivating, natural, cost-effective locomotor system for adults with neurological or musculoskeletal impairments who wish to achieve their dreams of re-walking for perfection.
SUPERIOR: The Walkbot provides an accurate and superlative therapeutic effect on locomotor retraining according to numerous anecdotal testimonies of our clients and clinicians, empirical evidence and clinical trials from researchers.
NATURAL: The Walkbot is engineered to provide most natural kinematic and kinetic as well as energy efficient gait patterns, which help clients with acute and severe stroke, spinal cord injury or gait impairments to reestablish the optimal and automatic locomotor pattern and to accelerate faster recovery during the initial rehabilitation phase.
INTERACTIVE: The Walkbot provides an intelligent interactive mode which automatically accommodates spasticity or associated stiffness, assistance and resistance forces, walking speed, and hip, knee, and ankle joint kinetics according to the client’s ongoing locomotor performance to maximize ‘automatic’ locomotor relearning, retention , and full recovery. Therapeutic speed is automatically adjusted as per patient’s muscle power. The treadmill, robot and patients are mutually interactive through sensing the patient’s condition.
When the patient achieves the targeted power, the therapeutic speed of treadmill goes up by 0.1 km/h as per the patient’s condition. The good job mark pops up on the monitor to cheer up patients and motivate their training. On the other hand, if the patient feels the resistance during the training, the speed falls down. So finally, patients can exercise under the most proper conditions.
FUNCTIONAL: The Walkbot provides a variety of fun, functional rehabilitation exercises associated with walking such as soccer ball kicking, game etc, to optimize neuromotor control of locomotion in clients. Also Walkbot provides a various training mode focus on the patient’s body condition. From Basic mode for the first starter of Walkbot, to intensive course for the advanced patients for more active treatment.
ECONOMIC: The Walkbot provides cost-effective return in the long-run based on the cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) of a long-run total cost.
MOTIVATION: The Walkbot provides exciting customized 3-dimensional augmented reality exercise games so that our clients actually do not perceive the gait training as a form of therapy, rather enjoy walking in interactive and ecologically natural or virtual environments as used.
Walkbot Robot Assisted Gait Training Rehabilitation System ankle joint. Walkbot is a rehabilitation medical device that is a robot-assisted gait training system for locomotion-impaired patients. It is applicable with a variety of causes of disease such as stroke, SCI(spinal cord injury), brain tumors, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, etc. Walkbot provides natural, accurate gait pattern for individual, using Hip/Knee/Ankle joint drive motor. So it helps fast recovery after the training. Walkbot were created into superior being-interactive, functional, strengthening, motivating, natural, cost-effective locomotor system for adults with neurological or musculoskeletal impairments who wish to achieve their dreams of re-walking for perfection.
Walkbot (pediatric) Robot Assisted Gait Training Rehabilitation System. Walkbot_K is another independent model of Walkbot series that is dedicated to children whose height is from 86cm to 148cm of young patients. In the case of children patients, stiffness and resistance are harder than adults and in most cases, they even have no experience of walking after birth. So treatment efficacy is much lower in spite of longer training time.
To expect better outcomes, Walkbot_K was developed with the ankle drive motor in order to give gait balance and correct pattern. Also it provides relevant clinical information related to locomotion, including data on stiffness associated with spasticity or joint contracture, spatiotemporal data, hip, knee and ankle kinematic and kinetic force data during locomotion training.
In addition, the playground design as per children’s eye level minimizes the difficulties and unfamiliarity of when children first confront the equipment. Also, an age-appropriate augmented reality program is integrated into the system to maximize interactive participation and motivation